Why it is important to have rituals in our life |

 Kajal suits the eyes only. If it is planted in any other place, it will be called soot. In the same way, whatever the cost of the shoe, it looks good on the feet. No matter how cheap the cap is, it looks good on the head. All these things are always said in the society as an example.

why am i telling you these things

 India is a country of customs. If any work is done apart from custom and tradition, then it does not suit Jai. At the same time, that work will continue to be weighed equally by the society on the scales of right, wrong and right. Indian people do all the work according to their own customs from birth till death. This is our culture. Mother is the first name of the relationship we get with birth. A child first recognizes its mother. Then to father. The journey of life begins from here. Then the relatives we come across are grandparents, uncles, aunts and uncles. These relationships come from the father's side which not only makes the family beautiful but also makes the child strong and gives a sense of security.

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relationship with mother's family

 After growing up a little, the relationships with which we are introduced are maternal grandparents, maternal uncle and maternal uncle. Which is received from the mother's side. This relationship is the basis of life. We learn to live life from these relationships. He learns the customs of his home and family. We learn what to do and what not to do. Learn to support each other in happiness and sorrow.

relationship with society

 When we grow up then we are faced with the people of the neighborhood. People of the village society meet. Some become friends. Then you get a chance to know and understand the country and the world. But the amazing thing is that you can become anything. Go anywhere Go to any part of the world. Your customs and rituals are always with you. If you leave it, your identity vanishes. Like a leaf plucked from a branch. The customs with which your family members have bound you since childhood, do not leave even after changing the place. The company of those people does not leave even after leaving.

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modernity and custom

 It is not appropriate to turn away from customs in the name of modernity. Just try to see such people. There is neither happiness nor peace. There is neither respect for relations in the family nor respect for feelings. There is no respect in the society, no sense of security among the loved ones. Such people are just going on living life. Dull, colorless and sad.

marriage relationship

 Marriage is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Marriage is a relationship that not only unites two hearts but also unites two families. There is a meeting of two customs and rituals. Somewhere there is a conflict between the customs of both the families. The sense of indebtedness also dominates. But a meeting is a meeting. Just as at the meeting point of two rivers, the clean water of a river mixes with the dirty water of another river and becomes one. The water of two different colored rivers merges into one to form a different colour. Just like this, after marriage, the customs and rituals of two families get mixed together and become one.

 Marriage is a unique confluence of participation of all the people of the family and society. Traditions in marriage are followed with great responsibility. I will tell you how in the next post. Just stick to the traditions and keep enjoying life.

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